Major Publications


A Pilot Project for Evaluation of Schools of Nursing. Canadian Journal of Public Health 8:8:350-351, Aug. 1958

Spotlight on Nursing Education: the report of the pilot project for the evaluation of schools of nursing in Canada. Ottawa, Canadian Nurses Association, 1960

Path to Quality; a plan for the development of nursing education programs within the general education system of Canada. Ottawa, Canadian Nurses Association, 1964, cl962

Trends in Research in Nursing: (Canada and the United States of America). Geneva, WHO, 1963. (WHO Scientific Group in Research in Nursing, Working paper no. 1)

*Shall we join the family? Canadian Nurse 60(4):381-2. Apr. 1964.

Report of assignments completed by PAHO/WHO short-term consultant on project West Indies 12 from July 5 – August 22, 1964, Ottawa, 1964

Social Change and Nursing Education, Niagara Falls Ontario, 1964, In Papers, Conference of the directors of schools of nursing in Ontario. College of Nurses of Ontario , Niagara Falls, Ontario, 1964

Survey of Nursing and Nursing Education in Lebanon: Assignment Report. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1964

Nursing Education in Canada. Ottawa, Queen’s Printer, 1965. (Royal Commission on Health Service. Study) Nutrition in Nursing Education. Nutrition Notes. 2:2:13-19, Feb. 1966

Report on assignment completed by PAHO/WHO short term consultant from 27 July – 3 Sep. 1965 on PAHO/WHO project AMRO 6031. Ottawa, 1965

Royal Commission on Health Services – Implications for Nursing in Canada. RNAQ News Bulletin , 21:3:10-11. May/Jun. 1965

Formation des infirmieres au Canada, L’Infirmiere (Belges) 44:6:34-35 Dec. 1966

Nursing in Canada. Nursing Times, 62:49:1626-1629, Dec. 9, 1966

Report of the Survey of Schools of Nursing in the Caribbean Area March 1964 -August 1965. Washington, WHO/PAHO, 1966. (WHO/PAHO Reports of Nursing No.6)

Studies on Nursing in Canada. Geneva, WHO, 1966. (Prepared for First Travelling Seminar on Nursing, USSR)

Apercu des soins infirmiers en URSS. Infirmiere Canadienne 9:2:20-26, fev. 1967

A Glimpse of Nursing in the USSR. Canadian Nurse 63:2:27-33, Feb. 1967

*Manpower problems in nursing. 63 (8): 25-28

Problemes de main-d’oevre chez les infirmieres. Infirmiere Canadienne 9:8:22-25, aout 1967

Studies on Nursing in Canada. International Nurse Review, 14:3:35-42, May/Jun. 1967

*No Lack of Nurses – But a Shortage of Nursing. International Nurse Review, 15(1)35.49, Jan,

Changing Role of the Nurse. American Journal of Nursing, 69:3:514-517, Mar. 1969

The Changing Role of the Nurse. International Review of the Red Cross 9:99:287-294, June 1969

Le role futur de l’infirmiere. Revue international de la Croix-Rouge 606:337-347, 1969

Nursing Education in the Philippines; Assignment Reports, July to September 1970

2020: Nursing Fifty Years Hence. In Mary Innis, ed., Nursing Education in a Changing Society, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 1970

The Changing Role of Nurses. Catholic Hosp. 2:4:4-6, Jul. 1971

The Changing Role of the Nurse. In Edith Patten Lewis ed., Changing Patterns of Nursing

Practice: New Needs, New Roles. New York, American Journal of Nursing, 1971

*The expanding role. where do we go from here? Canadian Nurse 67:9:31-34 Sep.1971

Des responsabilites accrues…que sera la prochaine etape? Infirmiere Canadienne 13:9:18-22 sept. 1971 Physician’s Associate Also Means Patient’s Friend. Medi cal Post 67:6:30-31, Mar. 23, 1971

What Kind of Expanding Role? Hospital Administration Canada, 13:11:17, Nov. 1971

Mount Edith Cavell: Canada’s Tribute to a Gallant Nurse. Canadian Nurse 68:23-26, Feb. 1972

Le mont Edith Cavell. Infirmiere Canadienne 14:5:18-21, mai 1972

Options and Opportunities for Nursing. RNAO News 28(3):14-15, May-Jun. 1972

The Changing Role of the Nurse. In Joan Reihl, ed. The Clinical Nurse Specialist: Interpretations . New York, Appleton-Century Crofts, 1973

*The nurse’s role in policy making and planning. International Nursing Review 20(1):9-11. Jan-Feb 1973.

Coup d’oeil sur les soins infirmiers a Cuba. Infirmiere Canadienne. 15:9:12-18, sept. 1973

*A glimpse of nursing in Cuba. Canadian Nurse, 69:9:25-30, Sep. 1973

Report of CNA Executive Director to the annual meeting and convention Canadian Nurses’ Association, June 1974. Canadian Nurse 69(9):23-30. Sept, 1973.

Canada: New Issues in Nursing. Annual Symposium of the School of Hygiene, pp. 80-87, 1973.

*What is nursing? Australian Nurses Journal 5 (2):8-12, Aug. 1975.

A conversation with executive director. Canadian Nurse 72(4):44-5. Apr 1976.

Medical Roles, Letter to the Editor. Response to Kenneth M.Leighton. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 116 :1:15, Jan. 8. 1977

Nurses and Political Action, In. Betsy Laser, ed. Issues in Canadian Nursing, edited by M. Ruth

Elliott. Scarborough, Ont, Prentice Hall, 1977

The Necessity for Systematic Knowledge. In Nursing Profession – Routinized, Ritualized or Research Based? Helen Mussallem et al. J.Adv. Nurs. 4:1:87-98, Jan. 1979

With Mary E. Robertson. Through the Eyes of Continuing Education – Canada, Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing 11:1:41-45, Jan/Feb. 1980

Project Report on Training of Nurse-Midwives as Traditional Birth Attendants, West African College of Nurses, 1980

Creative Caring. Keynote Address, Ontario Occupational Health Nurses Association, 22-26 October 1979. COMM.(OHNA)CATOR. Feb. 1980, p.4-7

Continuing education: An essential to nursing strategy in primary health care. Nursing Times 77(47):162-3. Nov 1981.

New Horizons in Occupational Safety and Health. In Prevention of Occupational Accidents & Disease , 1983

Succeeding Together: Group Action by Nurses, International Council of Nurses, 1983

Continuing Education: An Essential to Nursing Strategy and Network in Primary Health Care; C ommonwealth Foundation, London, England, 1983

International bodies and prison health care. International Nursing Review 30 (6): 183-5. Nov-Dec 1983.

A National Library Approach “Challenges & Choices”, American Nurses Association, 1984

Professional Associations and Political Action: In Community Health Nursing in Canada, 1985

Regulatory Mechanisms for Basic Nursing Education with Reference to Including Primary Health Care Concepts, WHO, 1985

Changing Roles of Professional Organizations; in Canadian Nursing Faces the Future, 1986

Training of Nurse Teachers and Managers with Special Regard to Primary Health Care; World Health Organization, 1986

Preventable and patterns of disease: Prospects and Research Directions in the Future; in Rece nt Advances in Nursing 22: 147-62. U.K., 1988

Remembering yesterday. RNABC News 21 (3):27. May-June, 1989

*My time at CNA was a wonderful gift. Canadian Nurse 104(9):56. Nov. 2008.