Major speeches (1963-1981) were donated to the Helen K.Mussallem Library, CNA House, Ottawa. They have since been transferred to Library and Archives Canada, where they are accessible along with other drafts, notes and texts.
Click on underlined speeches to see full presentation text.
RNABC Greater Victoria District Conference on Nursing – Address “Design or Dilemma”, 1965
University of B.C. Marion Woodward Lecture, 1969
Alberta Nursing Students Association – Address, 1971
RNAO General Convention – Address “Psychiatric nursing: A changing activity in a changing world”, 1974
Vancouver General Hospital School of Nursing Graduation, 3 May 1974
Vancouver General Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae – Speech, 1974
Kings’ Fund Seminar of Nurses – “Basic education of nursing personnel in Canada”, 1974
Registered Nurses Association of Ontario 50th Annual Convention, 1975
University of Ottawa School of Nursing – Address to Graduating Class, 1975
Alberta Association of Registered Nurses Annual Meeting – Address, 1975
Canadian Inuit Nurses Conference – Speech, 1975
National Defence Medical Centre – Address, 1975
Royal Australian Nursing Federation Conference Goals in Nursing Education – Keynote Address “What is nursing?” Melbourne, 1975.
Second International Congress of the World Federation of Public Health Associations – Opening Remarks, 1978
Ontario Occupational Health Nurses 8th Annual Conference, Keynote Address, 1979
New Brunswick Association of Registered Nurses – Address, 1980
Canadian Public Health Association – Keynote “Four Horsemen of the Eighties”, 1981
Keynote Speaker, International Nursing Interchange (Project Hope), Millwood, Virginia, USA, 1981
The Four Horsemen of the Eighties: Canadian Public Health Association, 1981
Creative Strategies. Ontario Occupational Health Nurses Annual Meeting, 1981
Nursing Potential for Impact on Family life: Nursing Explorations Series, McGill University, 1981
Tribute to Gordon Henderson, Q.C., Canadian Bar Foundation, 1982
Plenary Speaker at Second World Congress on Prison Health Care, “International Bodies and Prison Health Care”, Ottawa, 1983
International Conference Health for All: 25 Years of the Cuban Experience – “Nursing and Primary Health Care”, 1983
American Nurses Association Convention, New Orleans – “Notes on the Canadian Nurses Association Library: A National Library Approach”. 26 June, 1984.
St. John Ambulance Brigade 470 – Address, 1984
Vancouver General Hospital School of Nursing – Speech to Graduating Class, 1984
Tenth Biennial Institute for Operating Room Nurses – Keynote Address, 1986
National Council of Women – Speech “Volunteerism: Who pays, who cares, who counts – 1988
Volunteerism: Unmeasured Productivity; Who Pays, Who Cares, Who Counts? Canadian Federation of University Women, 1990
Victorian Order of Nurses Annual Meeting, Presidents Message – 1991
Annual Meeting of the Association of Registered Nurses of Newfoundland – “The Future role of the association”, 1993
University of B.C. Graduation Ceremony – Congregation Address, 27 May 1994
Notes for “Kaleidoscope of Leadership”, speech to veteran nurses

Helen was the first “Marion Woodward Lecture”, beginning a long tradition of dignitaries and scholars invited annually to present to the UBC and nursing communities.The benefactor, Marion Woodward, is in the middle; on the left is Beth McCann, a much beloved faculty member in the School of Nursing. (photo courtesy of Sally Thorne, Ph.D., UBC School of Nursing)