In the 1990s, Helen Mussallem worked closely with Elizabeth Crawley to record Helen’s personal stories in an autobiography. They intended to address all of Dr. Mussallem’s life, from her childhood in Maple Ridge to her retirement years.
Only parts of sections 5, “The CNA Years,” and section 6.1.4., “Commonwealth Nurses Federation”, were written. The original outline (click to view) reveals their intentions for the autobiography project. The text went through several handwritten and typewritten drafts, with corrections and revisions by Helen Mussallem and Elizabeth Crawley. This website version of their work contains all of their completed text, arranged in chronological order.

Outline – click headers to view page
Pilot Project for Evaluation of Schools of Nursing (5.1.1)
- Initial Planning 5.1.3
Survey of 25 Schools of Nursing (5.1.4)
- 1957
- Writing the report 5.1.5
- Presentation of Final Report 1959-1960 5.1.6
Appointment as Director of Special Studies, CNA (5.2)
- Plan to Implement Pilot Project Recommendations 5.2.2
- Royal Commission on Health Services 5.3
- Special Projects (Library, Statistics) 5.4.3
- First International Initiatives 1963 5.4.5
- CNA Initiatives 5.4.6
- CMA/CNA/CHA Joint Committee of Nursing
- CNA House
- Study of RCHS Recommendations 1964-1965
- Journals Editor
- Committee on Social & Economic Welfare
- New Brunswick Association of Registered Nurses, June 1965
PAHO/WHO Project in Commonwealth Caribbean 1964-1965 (5.4.5)
- WHO Expert Study Committee . . . for International School for Advanced Nursing Education (Edinburgh)
- Lebanon
- ICN in Frankfurt
- Commonwealth Medical Conference, Edinburgh, October 1965
- Regional Nursing Body of Caribbean Commonwealth
- Montevideo
- King’s Fund Summit Seminars
- Australia
International Initiatives in Cuba 1973-1984: Encounters with Fidel Castro
Commonwealth Nurses Federation – West Africa, 1981